A Petition to California Lawmakers to Require DSS to Adopt a True “Single License” Regime for Childcare Centers
When I connect with childcare owners and providers, we often start by talking about licensing issues, but inevitably...
My Presentation on Licensing Complaint Investigations, Appeals, Waivers & Lawsuits at the CQEL Childcare Summit
On November 20, 2024, I presented at CQEL’s California Childcare Summit. I presented about licensing complaint investigations, citation...
Should I have video cameras in my childcare center classrooms?
One question I’ve received numerous times is, “Do you recommend having video cameras in our classrooms?” Here’s what...
One Sentence to Appeal Type A & Type B Citations
Every childcare center and family care home should appeal every single licensing appeal. Why? First and foremost because licensing issues...
How to apply for a child care license in California
Download instructions for how to apply for a child care license in California. There are separate instructions for child care centers and family child care homes.
Title 22 in a Single PDF
Childcare centers and family childcare homes in California must abide by the regulations contained in Title 22. The...
“Licensing never responded to our appeal, now what?”
Most childcare providers in California don’t know that Community Care Licensing (CCLD) has a mandatory deadline to respond...
Deadline to appeal child care licensing violations
If a CCLD analyst issues a citation during an inspection, there is a deadline for the facility to appeal. The deadline is set forth in LIC9058.